Leap Frog, Leap

Hi, I'm only a month behind!

After a few moments of chasing the frog she thought it quite fair if she gave the thing a bit more of a chance to get ahead, so instead of charing right after it she slowed herself, allowing it to continue on but never taking her eyes off of it. What poor Ember didn't know was that she wasn't giving the poor thing fun at all, rather, she was scaring the daylights out of it. It was about that moment that Texas had caught up to her, whispering to her, and her excitement only grew. "Ahm playin' wiff 'im." She stated in response, turning her head for only a short moment to look at her brother before her eyes shifted away and went back in search of the frog. "He was lookin' bored so ahm playin' wiff 'im." Just like momma and papa played with them when there seemed like nothing else in the world to do.

"Whatchu doin'?" It was a silly question to ask, as it was quite obvious what her brother was doing, but she felt the need to know anyways. Had he come to just see what she was doing? Did he come to play a game? "Y'wanna help me play wif 'im?" Certainly it would make things even more enjoyable, the small creature could be chased from two sides and it would be double the fun of the game they were playing already.


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