New Love
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The hunt was ended as swiftly as it started and Leon knew it was probably beginner's luck for the both of them that it went this well. His chest was scraped up a bit from the sharp hooves, but otherwise he was unscathed and the blood from the deer's crushed skull seeped tantalizingly into his mouth. He dropped the head and swiftly licked his chops before he was met with happy licks from the female. She caused him to chuckle deeply, licking her face and managing to clean some of the blood off her cheek before she awkwardly stepped back and toned down her happiness for no reason. She was such a girl! It was adorable.

"Great job," he complimented kindly before she ripped off a hind leg and dragged it away. Oh, man, he couldn't wait to get the rest of this home to Trigger. "Is that all you need?" he asked, looking to her expectantly, resisting the urge to dive into he carcass head-first and pig the fuck out. "My brother's waiting at the den, I need to take enough back for him, too." He informed her before finally bending down and tearing a large chunk clean off the deer and scarfing it down greedily. He repeated this a few more times before he felt the annoyingly persistent hunger pains fade away. He wasn't sure how much of the carcass the two males would need, but if Terra wanted more, she was welcome to it since she helped-- if she hadn't of helped, he wouldn't have gotten a deer. At least, not this easily.

"'M Leon, by the way," he looked over to her with more of a gentle smirk, his eyes softening into a more friendly, less hungry look. His tail curled above his rump and swayed there, and his pink tongue swiped over his bloodied pink nose. She was already his friend, she could be sure of that, and be sure he'd be there if she needed anything.

Leon speaks Trigger Speaks


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