wicked games
I know this is not a plot thread, but it is time for Firefly to show how far she will go. Of course, IF she decides to follow him.

Her Demonslayer. Oh, if she only knew. Maybe she did, words traveled rather quickly these days. The woman was still standing her ground, and she did not give out any scent of fear, so she was not like the poor lost puppies in adult forms, dreaming of candy and sunshine. He was granted a shy little smile and waited for his next step. Very well. He closed his eyes for a second and imagined how it would feel like to tear out her throat. Blue eyes opened again without any hint of what had been seen behind the eyelids. He could feel it, the darkness that slowly crept up his spine and screamed for blood. He had taken it relatively easy for a while now, and his body had repaired itself excellently.

His hands were suddenly clutched and he laid a hand upon the black pentagram tattoo. He bared his teeth slightly towards something only he could see, before returning gaze to the mortal female. The red eyed shadow that only was visible to him slowly dissolved as it disappeared into the distance, but a faint line of red was left behind. He had to follow that red line. I have to go. That was it. He walked right past Firefly, after the tracks with the eerie red glow. His whole skeleton cracked loudly as he within only a handful of seconds shifted into the hybrid form between werewolf and normal. He was faster than both forms, stronger than normal form, perfect for this use.

He had started with a slow, almost zombie like walking, but picked up the pace, faster, faster, faster! Ding, right outside of Dahlia borders, but the foul blooded canine by the border did not have any chance. He ran right into the coyote with a crushing shoulder and sent it crashing into the ground, confused and wide-eyed. It was not a coyote from Inferni, probably just one of the two canines he had seen every now and then, but it was alone and closer to Dahlia than he had experienced before. Guilty or not, it meant nothing. He had cared very little before, but he could not keep himself chained anymore when there was nothing more he could give of himself to the higher power.

Do it. The coyote was too late with gathering itself, and was thrown down on the ground a second time, but this time a yelp sounded together with a loud crack, and one of the coyote’s back legs pointed a very unnatural angle, together with fresh marks after strong teeth attached to jaws powerful enough to crack skulls. The chocolate male relaxed more now, and circled the coyote slowly, merely watching the being as it tried to get up, but was overcome with pain from the crushed and broken leg. Haku merely smiled, he would not need to hunt for simple rabbits today, dinner already was served.


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