[M] Velocity
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

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The woman had a foreign name, and her clothing suggested she was from somewhere that valued such things. Even here, few people wore clothing. Helotes’ feminine brother did, and he had seen others favoring clothing, but Inferni as a whole was still mostly feral. This pleased him, secretly, for Ezekiel doubted he would ever wear more than the quiver and bag that hung across his torso. She had scars too—notably, the ones on her face. From his angle, he could not see the jagged letters on her thigh.

His face remained hawkish as he listened to her words, her skills. Another fighter. Someone else who could use a bow. Zana’s peculiar phrase was turned over for a few moments, wondering what all that entailed. It did not sound like anything pleasant, but he had already decided that it would not hurt to have another woman capable of defending herself amongst the growing population.

“Well, Omni, I see no reason to turn you out. If your skills are as they say, you’ll find plenty of others ready to test them. A woman name Alma is an excellent marksman, and we have several warriors here. Zana, can you see her to the Mansion? I think she might prefer that to our caves.” And it would keep the stallion away from his all too-ready to fight mount. “There should be room in those stables, if you want a place to house him. What I must ask of you,” he went on, turning the red horse with subtle pressure from his knee. “Is for you to swear an oath of loyalty to me and to this clan.”

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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