the musty smell of decay
His response made her grin as she tried to imagine what in the world it would be like to live as a ghost. She knew she believed in ghosts because overseas she'd seen the dead rise up when summoned by their beloved in ceremony. She never really spoke of it but she knew that they did lurk, even if it was hidden in the shadows until willed or wanted to be seen. Firefly had no real want to see the dead so she never gave notice to them or had want to. What did she want with the dead, they were mourned and left to rest in peace, not to be disturbed by constant whimpers and wants of the living. Life went on, that she knew.

Flicking her tail across her paws and off again she agreed with the male. "I believe I'd like to remain resting once my days are gone, not roaming the world with no meaning.." She shivered slightly at the thought, a life with no purpose but to wander and drift, that was not her type of life at all. She shook the images from her mind and smiled as he questioned her on where she was from. Sadly she had to correct him though. "Oh, I'm from here.. originally, but I left as a young pup and have just returned. Ireland was home for too long.." Her voice was slightly wistful as she imagined what life would have been like if she'd stayed home instead of returned to the lands of her birth. She missed those lands but she wasn't sure if she could return now.

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