Flowers for the lady

Despite the snow that blanketed the ground with a thin white crust he had managed to find them! The last flowers of summer. It had taken the tall boy a good several hours of searching and digging through the snow, he now had constantly cold paws and nose but he felt the effort would be worth it. He remembered how she had reacted to the single flower he had found for her last time and now he had a whole bouquet for her to coo and fawn over. He found after some internal thinking that he liked it when her eyes smiled because of him, it was a good feeling.

After the finding came the trek down from his father's lands to where she called home, Cercatori d'Arte. It took a while as well and he was hindered somewhat by the snow. By the time the male did eventually arrive at the borders, he stopped a respectable distance away of course, he couldn't feel his feet or his hands and his nose was well on the way to numbness. The flowers he held were a little battered and worse for wear but they had been the best he could find given the wintery state of the land.

He had made an attempt to tame his permanently messy hair so it was now less messy than it usually was. He ran a timber colored hand through it nervously. He didn't know if Juliet would answer herself or if someone else would come. He tipped his head back and howled a greeting, a request for Juliet's company. His call died into the silence and he settled in to wait, not really expecting an answer immediately, he guessed that this pack would be as busy as his own in getting ready for the winter.

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