New Love


Word Count → 000

Terra watched as a bright eyed puppy leaped out. It was hard to imagine any difficulties in his life, he was so light and bright. She wagged her tail at the brothers' words. She looked around the small place he'd brought her to. The place was fairly nice, close to water and the den discrete. It was good for keeping out of the way of things and well away from danger. Looks very nice. She met the puppy's eyes and smiled. It's nice to meet you Trigger.

Of course the nice atmosphere couldn't last long. Leon said something that once again triggered feelings inside her. It was confusing. He hadn't said anything special, yet here she was getting worked up over it. Coolly she met Leon's eyes. Staying sounds like it would be quite interesting. Somehow that sounded like more than it was supposed to. Ducking her head she turned back to the puppy, giving a lick at his head. She knew it had to be hard living out here on their own, but Terra didn't know if she should suggest her pack to them. After all, it might sound like she only wanted to connect with them if they were pack members, or that they couldn't take care of themselves.

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