wicked games
A flash of confusion seemed to spread throughout her senses as she was suddenly alert to what he'd said. Out of nowhere it seemed that he'd changed and with only the turn of her head she watched him move off and transform as he made his way down the row of the vineyard. She openned her maw to speak though she knew better. Instead she just dropped into the same form he'd taken and had begun to sprint after him. She wasn't use to being so suddenly ignored after being sought out, but that wasn't what bothered her, it was that sudden strange change that had seized the male before her.

Iskata had warned the bronze child of what Haku was capable of and she knew the dangers in following after him. She really didn't care though, the thrill was the danger and she knew well enough what she was getting herself into. It'd been forseen in the dreams of others and the dreams of her own, read by the Ollamh and spoken true. She knew her trail was one that was dark and filled with moral dangers that would tear at one's soul and destroy the weak. She was not weak and knew what she faced with eyes wide open. With that knowledge in tow she padded after the leader knowing that this path she walked on would end in no good if she was any other.

She'd slowed her chase as she watched the clash between the two on the borders. Even as a newcomer she could tell the coyote didn't carry the scent of Inferni on his pelt and Haku's reactions were beyond the one rules he'd set down at the meeting. Moving closer, slowly but surely she kept her emerald eyes on the scene before her as she circled around the two, making a counter rhythm to the motion of Haku's stalking of the weakened and injured beast. No sound came from her maw of objection or excitement as she absorbed the working of her lover before her. To better understand the path she walked she would need to know those she walked after.

She paused for a moment as the coyote turned his gaze to her, her teeth bared as her eyes showed him there was no savior in her presence, she was merely a ghost at the moment, a shadow of Haku until it was her turn in the game at hand. She'd been prepared in the brutal savage lands across seas of what she may encounter on her trails through life and she knew she couldn't run the path without getting dirty, and she had no wish to say clean either. What the Ollamhs couldn't tell was the fact that there was a dark mirror she looked into when she saw herself and there was no innocense there, though she herself had been innocent in her world before crossing back to these lands.

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