New Character Q's
Thanks Ayasha & Sie! You guys are awesome for being so welcoming. I'll definitely have to hit you up for a thread Ayasha.

Here's what I'm thinking...

He was a warrior who fell under Maska's reign when he took over. As he was trained, he upheld his duty to the chief for some time, even when things got really bad and he began to doubt. But then some time before the Oct 17th raid, he refused to persecute those that are not of their kind and further the violent segregation policies. I think he'd have defied a direct order to hunt down and imprison / kill someone on Maska's list and he'd get thrown in prison for treason.

Then a few months later, Crimson and Cour come in and free the prisoners who then side with them. Having seen the evil of Maska, and being more than a little angry about being thrown in prison for the last few months he takes up the cause.

Perhaps they decide not to strip him of his rank because he was no longer allied with Maska at that time? And he's wounded in the fight and they see that sacrifice as proof of his new found loyalty? So he's reassigned to a lower position but not totally stripped of his rank? I just say this because I want him to have a shot of one day regaining his warrior title and if he is seen as Maska's puppet I'm not sure that would happen. I'm sure the tribe would still remember he was once Maska's warrior and thus some might hate him for that, but in the eyes of the law he'd have turned things around?

Let me know if that works. [:

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