Such stuff as dreams are made on.

Word Count → 600+

Something stirred in the distance... No, not something, someone. The dark, shadowy form was a stark contrast to the cottony powder the winter clouds left in their wake. She was aware that she was at the edge of a pack's territory, the clan keeping good, clear markers of their place even through the early days of winter, but when she caught sight of the ebony form it was not a pack wolf that she thought it was at first. “Zalen?!” She breathed the word to herself, unsure if she had said it loud enough for the other to hear. Was it her love who walked toward her now? Oh, but he limped. Was he hurt?! She gasped, about to run towards him and see if he was okay, but that was when she realized she had been mistaken.

She couldn't help the disappointment she felt in her heart as the Dreamer came closer, her vision focusing on the dark woman's traits. This wasn't Zalen. It was a woman, who limped, and who bore traces of trials and tribulations about her dark coat in the form of light colored scars. Still, she looked at the green eyes that focused on her, and it was no wonder that her longing soul made the mistake.

Titania tried to recover from her error quickly but the other might have still seen what was written on her face. She worked to erase the hopeful excitement and replace it with something more appropriate. But what was appropriate? Happiness? Sadness? Desperation? No... She knew better than that... Just think, Titania, you can do this.

“I'm sorry, I don't mean to intrude on you,” her tone was genuine, and her respectful apology shone in her golden eyes. Hopefully respect would be enough for the Dreamer, for now... respect and honesty. The look on Soran's face when she realized just how young Titania was and that she wasn't a hostile intruder wasn't lost on her, either, and what could have been a very tense situation melted into something far more comfortable, even if she knew she should keep her wits about her.

“I've been... uh... wandering around here for a few days and it's a little... well... tough...” she hated how weak that made her sound, but she didn't want to give up on her gambol that the Dreamer might respect her honesty. Still, should she tell this stranger just how hungry she was? And how this turn of events had really been a reality check for her? No. There would be no common sense in that. Willingly make it out to a stranger that you hadn't eaten much in days? Not a smart move until you knew you could trust them. If Soran was only feigning concern it would be like saying 'hey, I'm weak right now, come and finish me off please!' “It's obvious you protect this place well. I was just sort of hugging your lands because there's not a lot of 'other' activity in the area.” She meant other loners. No loner would be crazy enough to den so close to such a well established pack. Of course she was lurking around for other reasons, too, but these she needn't say out loud.

“I didn't mean to come so close. I wasn't paying much attention, I'm sorry,” should she appeal to Soran for a respite? It wasn't completely impossible. Titania hadn't been a lone wolf for very long and there were a lot of things she learned from her mother, including how to show a pack that you were not a threat and to entreat to them for help, even if it was just a few days shelter. She wasn't sure if she had Orin's charm, though, nor did she know the ins and outs of the packs like her mother did. “I'll just take my tail out of here,” her words were sing-song rather than self deprecating, a sort of musical apology to Soran for bothering her, and she raised a paw as if to turn and take leave.

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