Of Wolf and Man

OOC is good. This thread was lonely. I don't actually have any plans for this, so if you have a good idea just put it out there

Word Count → 000

Amy lifted her head as she heard someone stride through the town. Picking up her pace she walked towards the source. Stepping around the building she watched a man on horseback travel through the town. He was injured, though not nearly to the extent the male she'd played with was. He still hadn't woken up, in too much pain to leave the wagon.

She smiled up at him, enjoying the view of his muscles. Good day. How are you? Amy made sure to keep a good distance between them, not wanting to surprise him with her sudden appearance. Daintily she walked forward, approaching the horse. When she got close enough she held out a hand for the horse to sniff. It was a beautiful mare. Amy could use one like it for trading. Her own horse simply pulled the wagon, with nothing more to it than that. This horse though, was obviously a work of art.

Cheerfully Amy moved her gaze to the rider. That looks quite painful. Have a bad run in? Not being a hunter herself Amy was unfamiliar with the wounds prey could give. She thought that since they ate them they were obviously weaker, in no state to fight back against them. That meant a scrape with another canine, something she was more than familiar with.

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