Rationality Is Only Part Of It

:: They so awesome Big Grin. Dude, your post is awesome mine sucks, not yours.

The russet woman's ears swiveled to the side of her as approaching footsteps were near. Aquamarine orbs glanced to see a larger hybrid. He seemed muscular and had a dangerous air about him. He seemed almost unfriendly as he asked who she was. It was right for him to ask as she hadn't met the man before. Crossing her arms, her expression was amused yet friendly. "Hey. I'm Omni. Doubt you've seen me around." The sorrel and tan woman couldn't help but study him for a minute, not actually showing it though. The sharpening tools were still in her honey-colored hands, Omni put the file down and slipped the throwing knife back into its sheath at her side. "So...Who are you then?" The female turned the question back over to the shadowy male. It seemed only right to know names of her fellow Infernians. It was too bad that this man didn't look vaguely familiar, but he looked a lot like some of the strangers here, with the tattoo of a red star and the streaks running up their muzzle. Chuckling slightly at him being tense, Omni said softly "What could I do to you? You're like three times taller than me." It was like a compliment yet not really. What danger would Omni be?
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