It's time for the final chapter
She grinned at his words, she knew quite a few who were just a friendly and welcoming as her, though there were also just the same ones who wished nothing more than to be left alone. When he spoke of a bit more sunlight she chuckled as her eyes sparkled, her words warm as she answered. "Oh you've just picked one of the worst spots to start your journey in. You should try the beaches.. all the sun you could want and the gentle lull of the ocean. There's not too many places as dark and dank as these lands.. except maybe past the coyote clan's lands.. it's like a bare wasteland there." She shook her head, remembering the lands that she'd journey'd through to find the beaches on the otherside, remembering those she gave hint to the wonders on the far side of the deserted lands. "Though there are beautiful beaches past the desert lands too.." She liked the lands they'd settled in but it wasn't the old home she knew, all they could try was to make it into something more than it was.

She sat quietly as she listened to him speaking of the places he'd been and the wonders he'd seen. With a shake of her head she admitted, "I've been to the port towns and see the wonders of the different cultures mixing there.. but never off to their lands and to see what home was like in anothers eyes.." She was a bit jealous of the male but she also knew unlike her son she wasn't one who could go on forever wandering and be happy. She needed to settle down and find home, to built something with her hand and pour her heart into it, knowing it was hers and spending her life watching it grow. That's why she dreamed of the pack that was to come one day, some day. She smiled at him and offered him her friendship, as well as their pack, if oneday they were able to get off their feet and finally belong. "If you ever do decide to stay.. you're always welcome to seek us out.." She felt a little shy at offering the newcomer a place, but he seemed a decent soul and they could use the help and friendly face around the lands.

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