Leave all your longing behind.

Titania Moonsong
if nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies

Everything was going according to plan, just as it had the last few days. The biggest snag in their plot was when Shawchert showed up at Zalen's former den, but even then it hadn't been an angsty visit. Her father just wanted to make peace with her, needed to make peace, and it alleviated both the wolves minds. But when she raised her head from peering at the rolling snow and caught sight of the while wolf standing a few paces away from her she froze.

She was silent and stark still for a long moment, and it almost seemed as though she thought if she didn't move he might not know she was there. Of course, she wasn't really thinking that, she just wasn't sure how to approach the situation. He could be here for a hundred reasons. Did he think he lived here? How could that be with the absence of scent... Or was he from a neighboring clan, roused by their activity coming to inspect? A wandering loner, perhaps? A knave?

She thought about calling for Zalen, about throwing her head back and letting her wolf song sound the alarm of this one in her presence. But... that was when she realized his stance was... abject?

The display made her instinct take over, and almost as quickly as the uncertainty had come it was washed away. Her spine stiffened and she raised her head high, ears alert and all senses facing the wolf. Her tail curled as her golden eyes scanned him, searching for any hint of deception. As far as she could tell his voice... his stance... genuine.

“Hello traveler.” She decided to take the diplomatic route, trying to adopt as much of Zalen's calm temperament as possible. “Intruding? No,” she started to say, and then realized it might send the wrong message. “I mean, you are on our land, but you're here peacefully. Right?” She stated it like her words could will the very fact.

It's all about appearance. The soul of your pack is with you, Titania, even if it is only you and Zalen for now. Hunt well. The reassuring thoughts streamed through her head as she stood her ground, striving to keep any hint of unease out of her demeanor. If he sensed any doubt or weakness in her this could go very wrong. She needed to be careful until she knew the man. It helped when she remembered that this was the land that was haunted by the beautiful, fiery ghost. The sprites liked the ghost, and the ghost loved she and Zalen.

“I haven't seen you before. What brings you here?” Since his stance remained placid she braved a couple steps toward him, her paws light on the snow. Her black nose twitched as she tested the air, searching for the notes of his scent and what clues she might learn of him from it.

Word Count :: 489

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