[M] a dog among kings

Probably can wrap this up pretty soon?! o: Not all that important.

Eris is by Nat!

She saw the veriest of them lurking on their outskirts, but even her chartreuse eyes swam merrily over The Boss, viewing Salsola in its entirety as one. The clear lines separating canine from canine had blurred for Eris now, and she could no longer tell one from the other -- they all sang together, so what did it matter, anyway? All the colors of her pack ran together and formed the most beautiful rainbow. Even dull Molcaxitl shone for the brief few moments the slave-woman was still present. Her daughter's departure was missed, for Eris's eyes and the tip of her nose had turned skyward, studying the infinite number of stars in the sky for a long moment. She might have been praying; instead, she was thinking, the disjointed things that passed for thoughts in this state flowing over her mind like a river.

And then, moving with haste, the coyote leveled her gaze to the earth, then to her hand, as if realizing the knife still clutched there for the first time. A dreamlike smile spread across her muzzle, and she turned back to the sacrifice. He was still unconscious, still lost somewhere in that twilight between the worlds of spirit and flesh. That was alright -- chances were good he would fly awake for his final few seconds, and she didn't require him to awaken, anyway. The dark coyote seemed to slide forward the few steps to the trespasser, Miqui shadowing her; the knife in her hand no longer so much as twitched. Her hand was as steady as it had been any time she had sliced the flesh of her Family with her mark, and she knelt over his body and stretched the blade toward his sternum almost lovingly.

Obsidian was not a particularly strong material; it would break easily if mistreated. It was however, able to be sharpened to a razor's edge, and this was just how Eris kept it. The dark knife slid through the thin flesh of his chest and down his stomach, cutting through muscle as easily as a surgeon with a scalpel might have, decades ago. Eris had no intent to stitch the man up, however, and she cut him to between his hips, a welling line of blood rising after her blade. It did not so much spurt as it did gush forth, and the hybrid was not absolutely certain when the man passed from this world onto the next. That moment was not key, however, and the dark woman set aside her knife, now shaking all over herself.

Her fingers slid into the line she'd sliced into him, and sought for his ribs. Her fingers slid between them, seeking and grabbing with the wet things before catching sufficient grip. With a pause, she heaved against the cage holding him together, rending them apart with a sharp crack that echoed through the deadened night air. She sought for his liver, sliding through his innards with practiced hands even as he gave his final twitches and jerks. Its warmth seemed to radiate outward, and the coyote shivered again as she grasped hold of that precious organ, bringing it out of him with a few tugs and pulls. All else mattered little; she stood on shaking and wobbling legs, stepping away from her pack and holding the organ toward them.

She was now faintly aware of the fire and smoke, Molca's final act before departing. She did not remember having given this command to the slave, but it was fitting, in any case. Her dreamy smile remained as she stepped toward the small fire, offering the organ to the flames with outstretched palms. Fire had been preferred in Eterne only on occasion, but the dark-hued hybrid thought Larkspur's method fitting for Salsola, and she had adopted it, twisting it to her need as she did much else in the world. Fascinated, the dark hybrid sank to her knees to watch the licking flames and drifting smoke. The scent of cooking meat filled her nose, and as she breathed it, her mind departed her entirely, slipping quietly into the shadow-realm.

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