Rationality Is Only Part Of It
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Omni Cadeaux
here we go
welcome to my funeral
without you i dont even have a pulse
all alone it's dark and cold
with every move i die
Should we mark this as Mature? ::

The man's voice still was impassive and it was of great difficulty to tell what was running through his mind. Of course it was a little confusing and a respectful nod came from the russet beauty as he introduced himself. It wasn't like he disliked her, maybe he just wasn't trustful of her yet. Well...Columbine of course." Her tail waved slightly, but stopped when he did indeed mention his distrust of her. "Hmm? These?" She slipped a knife in her long fingered and twirled it and shook her head. "Nah...Why would I use this on a fellow clan-member? That would be simply traitorous m'dear." Her voice was lowered an octave, not quite suggestive yet just as seductive. Blue eyes gazed at the dark man with slight interest, it wasn't anything bad to do but Omni stood up taller on the tips of her toes, almost reaching his height. Playfully, she nipped at his intact ear. "This a threat big-guy?" Her expression showed that she wasn't trying to be arrogant or cocky; her intention was to help him loosen up. If this was seen as a flirtatious advance, so be it. The knife was slipped back into its place, not needed or really needed in the first place. Her original plan was to go on a hunt but if talking to Columbine was much more of a demand, that's what she would do. Being new to Inferni, it seemed as if her loyalty was still being judged, Columbine showed it too (even though she didn't know he was the same rank)

"I haven't been here long...Maybe a few days at most. Don't know much of the places. Care to show me around?" It was an innocent question, at least to her own mind. If he didn't want to then he would be a stick in the mud. His presence was somewhat comforting, being so muscular and strong, instinctively she felt feelings of protection. "Shall we?"

here i go
this is my confession oh
a lost cause nobody can save my soul
i am so delusional
with every move i die
WC :: +000
template by revo. <3


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