suppose i never met you
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Hiiii. 8D Whatever timeline works for you, lol. :3

sharksHaving grown up with hordes of older siblings and other distant relatives around him, the coyote had never really been accustomed to being around those younger than himself. He had not personally been present when Faolin gave birth, but certainly he had glimpsed his niece and nephew around the beach. In his youthful apathy, their wild and playful childishness left him rather unsure of what to do, and he had been much more content to sit on the sidelines while someone else played with them. Still, he supposed he had been fond of them; in any case, it had given him some vague sense of pride that he had been an uncle and no longer a member of the youngest litter in Inferni. He was glad to see Talitha then, and it seemed like too short a time ago that he was her age. It was strange how the relative age made him feel so much older than he actually was.

sharksNo one important, Arkham answered simply. It was harder than he thought it would be, lying to his family, but until he found out more, he wasn't quite ready to announce that he was still alive. But you have to call me something, you can call me Kharma. He smiled, though he knew she couldn't see it. Oh, an acronym, had deceptively clever; would its meaning come to fruitation? No one could know. I won't waste your time though. I just want to know if Rachias is still here? And Faolin?

sharksHe knew his sister was alive. No bodies had been among the smoldering cinders of the house and no one had been left on the beach. Inferni had made a clean getaway because they undoubtedly had the first notice. The mint-scented canine just wasn't sure if she was still with their family, or if she had decided to go find their father again. He had more confidence that Faolin was still around, if only because Gabriel's scent was still strong on the borders (after all, who was capable of taking his place? Hybrid? Perish the thought). Though there was something ever ominous about the borders, Arkham could not yet know of any war. He didn't know that no one was really safe here. And he refrained from asking about Andrezej -- his brother had been gone before the fire, and he couldn't imagine any reason for him to come back. If he was alive, then he would be wandering elsewhere. Besides, to ask for two siblings and disclude himself would be far too obvious.


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