Slime and Snails, or puppy dog tails

Sophie Hughes
Hehehehe~ <3
Word Count → 336

She sneaked peeks at him from the corners of her eyes, twisting her head this way and that so that she could avoid simply lifting her gaze and looking at him. He was large, much bigger than she was; she supposed that meant he was older, too. Wrinkling her nose a bit, she scuffed her paws and plopped her small behind down on the ground, then dragged herself sideways until she was right next to Bug, and put his sand-filled arm over her paws, gnawing lightly on it in her nervousness. She blinked up at him for a moment before dropping her gaze again, and mumbled, Hi, Skoll'n'Haskel. After he'd introduced himself.

She didn't think to include the name Hughes in her introduction, simply because she'd never learned to associate it with herself; Father was a Hughes, and Mother was a Hughes, but that didn't automatically make Sophie and Boothe Hughes, too. She blinked at him as he named his father as well, and said another unfamiliar word--King--before she tilted her head, unaware that she'd gotten over her shyness somewhat. What...King? She asked him, and then as he continued, she wrinkled her nose again and stood. What pack? What Co...Cour des...Miracles? She had trouble pronouncing the name, and tilted her head again as she finished the question, her eyes worried.

She furrowed her brow at his question, sticking her tongue against her teeth as she thought about it--which resulted in the very end of it poking out between her lips--and her eyes rolled to the sky thoughtfully before she shook her head and turned back to Skoll. Sophie not having pack. Sophie has...broofers. She said, and then dropped her gaze again, because she wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing that she didn't have a pack like Skoll did; she almost wanted to ask, but she was still uncertain about questions in general, and felt anxious enough about the ones she'd asked already.

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


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