Allons - y Alonso!
Kiara Amarok

Word Count → 456 :: Welcome to 'Souls!!! More people should get in here.

It had been a while since Kiara was last in Drifter Bay. When she first arrived in Nova Scotia the arctic wolf had spent some time in the sunflower fields before all of the plants withered and died. It was about time she returned to the bay, despite the long walk. Now that Shiloh had a mate, Kiara was able to take a break from her puppy sitting duties. In fact, the fur on her tail and ears had started to return. Before Aleo joined their family, Sarian had relentlessly attacked the alabaster woman and in her enthusiasm managed to remove several patches of fur from her precious tail. At first, the site was horrifying and as Vesper had properly put it, looked "like a rat got hold of it." Kiara sighed a little at the memory, she needed a break.

Today, as usual, Kiara's mind was on food. She hand managed to chase down a rather plump looking rabbit that had been scared awake. The limp prize dangled from her snowy jaws as Kiara loped across the field towards the river. The tall grass was either dead, trampled, or brown, making her trip that much easier. Unfortunately, there was no snow one the ground to make her walk more pleasant. It wasn't long before Kiara entered the tree line surrounding the river. All of the leaves had fallen from the trees and bushes, their colored forms littering the ground and crunching underneath her paws. Kiara made no attempt to hide her footsteps and the bushes rustled as she broke through the line.

The wind was still, not even a gust ran through the plains. It was no wonder that the arctic wolf saw him before she smelled him. But there he was. Across the stream was a rather thirsty mottled wolf, his coat ragged and his body clearly underweight. Even his thick winter fur didn't cover the malnutrition that the wolf was obviously facing. Kiara placed the rabbit at her paws and watched curiously as the male drank from the river. He hadn't noticed her presence yet and Kiara wondered if she should introduce herself. The scent of a pack was absent, so there was little chance that he was a wolf from Salsola. The thought of meeting one of those Luperci sent shivers down the young wolf's spine. They were not friendly to non-Luperci and Kiara was grateful that she hadn't had the misfortune of meeting Salsolan.

Kiara watched the strange male a minute longer until she could take the silence no more. "Hey," she called "Haven't seen you before. The name's Kiara, Kiara Amarok. What's your's?" As Kiara spoke she a moved slightly upstream to forge the river at a shallow point. Kiara approached the male with her tail down, but relaxed. Her ears were perked a little out of curiosity, but otherwise her posture was relaxed and completely non-agressive. Kiara stopped at a respectful distance from the stranger and sat down. Her rabbit was, by that time, completely forgotten on the other side of the bank.

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