Non, je ne regrette rien
She sat there patiently as she waited for the stunned male to finally get a few senses gathered about him before she rolled her eyes and sighed. She really had no clue why in the world she was even sitting here waiting for him to decide who exactly had spoken up. Firefly figured she should have just leapt down and walked away by now, but she'd never seen a grown man cry and the whole situation was amusing to say the lease, even if she was disgusted as well. Closing her emerald eyes while he spoke she wondered briefly what that small glimmer of sadness and shock had been about when he'd finally realized who was speaking, but in the end she really didn't care what it had been.

She stretched out as he wove his sad lonely tale of a dearest lost and needing the comforts of a friend while she showed that there was little interest in his lovely woe by the sudden explosion of a yawn that cracked her jaw as she showed her brilliant pink tongue. Snapping her maw shut again she turned her gaze back to him as a sudden idea sparked in her mind. Tragic.. just tragic, right out of some fairytale.. " Her eyes shone with mischief as she taunted him. "..Are you waiting for life to call into place again and deliver you a happy ending?" She arched her back and stretched out once more before leaping down to join the male on the ground, landing softly on her hindlegs then straightened and looked the greyscale male up and down as she made a small circle around him.

Leaning forward with her hip jutted away from the male she sat one arm on her thigh and the other softly drapped on his shoulder as she spoke softly, almost seductively. "Sorry son, Fairytales don't come true and your dearest has probably found a new price..." she didn't even really care who it was he lost, but she knew exactly who he was looking for and she could help him atleast with that point. Taking her arm away from his shoulder she leaned against the tree and let her hooded eyes settle on him lazily. "Mew though, she's still around.. I'm not sure what she'd think of seeing a strapping brute like you sniveling and crying though..." The bronze and ivory woman really was a gentle and kind soul, atleast she could be. When others let their weaknesses take hold of them and rule their world, then she was like the nightmare come true, until they turned tail and ran back to their dreams or faced the reality and grew a damn backbone. Some part of her mind wondered what the hell this soul would do.

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