no one is real
of course! Thank you so much for replying. <3


She did not realize how big the building was until she got closer. It was the largest house she had ever seen, and she wanted to know what it looked like inside. It was much better than the wood cabin in which she and her mother slept. Perhaps her mother was trying to surprise her with a nicer place to sleep, like she surprised her with morsels of food and pretty leaves. Blaise did not even consider that, when her mother left her beside the lake, she had walked away in a completely different direction. The idea of a surprise was the only one that made sense to the child.

There was someone here - a wolf, just like her mother said there would be! Blaise began to wag her scraggly tail as she leaped toward the silver woman, thinking she must have already met her mother in the house and was coming to bring her inside. With her tail flailing so violently it made her rump tremble, the girl lowered her ears and crawled before the pale woman, lips turned into a smile. Soft whimpers of joy escaped her as she frantically tried to lick the female's feet.


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