Just for your attention

Sophie Hughes
Ooc stuffs.
Word Count → 232

The siblings' decision to team up worked brilliantly; the woman was soon rolling over, and with an excited yip Boothe and Sophie climbed up onto her stomach, Boothe sniffing around her fur curiously while Sophie crawled slowly up onto Terra's neck and then planted a paw firmly on her cheek, grinning all the while. They'd won! Sophie's curled tail wagged happily, and Boothe, though he hadn't played long, soon felt the excitement as well, wiggling happily. Boofe king! He declared, and Sophie peered back at him uncertainly, her ear flicking before she leaped at him, tackling him right off Terra's body and onto the ground.

They wrestled for a moment, and then Sophie pinned him, barking excitedly in his face before puffing her chest up and declaring, No, Sophie king! Boothe caught her ear between his teeth, growling playfully, and managed to switch their positions. It went on that way for a bit, but the larger puppy soon won--at least, cheated his way to victory. Sophie attempted to get her big brother's fat butt out of her face for a while before she whined in defeat, kicking a little before lying still.

As soon as Boothe moved, Sophie shot to her feet and dropped down, facing Terra now. New game! New game! She chanted, soon joined by her brother. Tag and king-of-the-mountain were boring; they wanted something new!

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly

template by revo, stock by sie! <3


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