How Do You Pick Up The Threads Of An Old Life?

Damn, I thought she'd know about Makhesthai... I'm just going to try and turn this hostile... xD

He hoped beyond belief she would tell him where Makhesthai was. How to find him. If he was ok. Frodo was quite worried about his little friend. For some reason, he doubted he’d get any information out of the woman though. She seemed harsh and annoyed by his presence. Although this was something Frodo was used to, it still send a slight chill up his spine. It was a frown that formed upon his maw when she said she didn’t know the pup. Surely she would have at least seen him around? She smelt of the pack, she must be familiar with its members. What? he asked, his jaw sliding a bit. The man reached up a slender hand to scratch the back of his ear before roughly placing it down at his side again. Forcing himself to be stilled, his tilted his golden face in her direction and prepared to speak once more, however he was nervous. You sure, captain hook? He’s hard to miss. Bright orange he was- is. the man caught himself, angry he thought of Makhesthai as being in the past. Because of course the little child would be alive and well. Of course he would be.

At that very moment he started to get very worked up indeed, staring into her stony face he felt as if he was under examination from a magnifying glass. Cold air rushed through his lungs and he attempted to crouch down to her lupus-level, and place a hand on the side of her body. Frodo narrowed his eyes into her own, which was perhaps not a very wise thing to do. He’d always been a touchy-feely kinda guy, always patting strangers and stroking random pups, so it seemed a normal thing for him to do, however how she felt about it was most probably a different matter. Quite nervous indeed now the man tightened his grip and shuffled a little closer. Please be tellin’ me. I… his voice was cut off and turned into an almighty whimper to see a burly looking male canter straight towards him and Vesper. Instantly his hand fell and he backed away, cautiously watching the urgent Helotes with wide green eyes. Frodo could only think that Helotes might have mistook the contact of Frodo and Vesper for him intestinally trying to harm Helotes’ fellow member of Inferni. There was something about a shift in the air that rang alarm bells in his head now, and again he backed away, straight into a tree, his face a grim line. Come on! he cried. I jus' wanna know where the kid is... angrily he kicked the tree with his heel, snorting slightly.

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