Non, je ne regrette rien
Lubomir is so not acting like I thought he would O_O

I guess I'll bleed in silence

She was scorning him. Rolling her eyes at him like that, treating him as if his little problems mattered very little. Lubomir felt slightly pushed out of the way, as if he were a speck of dust on her perfect coat, a coat she could not ruin. To yawn at him like that, to simply lose interest... it gave perspective to his own whimpering. He was a coward to her. A weakling. Someone worth patronising and leaving when tired with. He wondered if Mew or Ember had ever thought of him like that. He could feel his chest constricting. This was not how he had intended to be remembered by them.

Her touch was electricity on his fur. It sent shivers up and down his spine. And with mounting horror he realised that this beautiful female was arousing his monster, she was waking him up and making him stretch, letting power seep back into his bones. She was like some enchantress, from the fairytales she spoke of, mesmerising him and drawing his attention away from the real problems. The monster sneered and Lubomir felt himself lose control over his mind, the creature drawing ever closer to control over the physical aspect. The voice which spoke next was not his own. It was lower, like a growl, its voice. 'There is no happy ending in this time and place. Not any more, lady.' It was really the loss of touch which elicited one small growl from the creature, as Lubomir desperately tried to regain control of himself.

'I may have come across as a weakling. I assure you, beautiful one, I am not. I have come from Labyrinth Glen lands, where the pack is no more. I wept, for I have lost a good friend. Ember Phoenix. She was a kind a gentle soul, perhaps now dead on Inferni borders. As for Mew's opinion... while I value it, I can only say that. She is a friend, nothing more. I doubt I interest her that way.' The monster moved closer and Lubomir tried to howl, trapped in the darkness of his own mind. She was stunning, she had Ember's eyes, and the thing was making him sounds like a pathetic whiny pup. To the creature, she was within reach and sure enough, it leaned towards her, as if to catch a whiff of her scent. 'Fair one, you still have said nothing of your name.' Lubomir knew that this thing was part himself. It was shocking to see just how much it could imitate him, in gestures, speech and will. But it was still a monster, to the cold rationality of the grey wolf.


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