I've been down this road and back again...
[html]OOC:// Word count: 744 words

Anticipation burned in the gut of the obsidian lady, the desperate urge to see her son again, to prove to herself that all was not lost, that her loved ones still walked these lands, that her blood still coursed through someone else, that her son, the only one of her children she had allowed herself to love, was still breathing. Dark fingers began to interlace and entwine, only to be unlaced again, she began to drum on her knee, an unusual emotion now replaced the anticipation in Soran, worry. And from the worry came impatience, was Conri alive? Had she just caught a scent that was similar? Was she mistaken? Where was he? Where was her son? Long fingers twisted loose waves of her long mane around themselves, making the curls even more defined. More and more Soran's eyes noticed every single movement infront of her, her ears swivelled and twitched more and more, until finally...
"Momma?" The voice had come from behind her, it was a shadow of the voice she had once known, so fragile, so empty, there was no hint of the happy boy she had left behind, it seemed that a lot had changed since the dark lady had been gone. Slowly the jade eyed female stood, keeping her back to the owner of the voice, still unsure whether or not this was a trick of her mind, a poor imitation of her boys voice dragged from her subconcious, or worse still, a cruel trick performed by someone who knew both her and Conri and wished to torment the dark warrior. With equal caution she turned, moving slowly, each move calculated, ready to run should she need to, should she find herself face to face with say, Lucifer. And yet the scent that was wafting around her, carried by the salty sea breeze was Conri, a changed Conri, but underneath the scent of a new land, a new pack, was her boy, she swore by her sense of smell, this must be her boy.
Finally Soran's jade eyes fell upon the wolf who had been behind her, indeed it was her red boy, he stood just out of arms reach, for a moment Soran almost didn't recognise him, the jade eyes that were so like her own seemed to be dead, misted over... the emotions behind them hidden away, and he was so dishevelled. But for a moment, the dark lady realised that she did not care, she herself had changed a lot since she had been away, the loss of more children had been tough on her and she knew that she now her own eyes often held the same dead look as her son's did now. For a moment she did not care how her boy looked, she was simply elated that he was alive, after all she had thought she had lost, to have him, even if it was just him left out of everyone, was enough for her. The red boy was so much to her, a son, a friend, a saviour... he had been the sole good thing in her life for so long, he had been the end to her drug and drink habits and he had forgiven her all of her sins without question. Soran knew she did not deserve such a good son, not after all she had done, all she would do, all that she had not yet attoned for, and she thanked whatever being it was that had decided that she deserved one piece of goodness in her painful life.
Without further thought, the ebony mother launched herself at her son, throwing her arms around him tightly, planting kisses all over his face, his cheeks, his forehead, his ears, his maw, she held him to her, relishing in the fact that her son was still alive, the most important thing in her life was still here. She held him tight, frightened that if she were to let go he would dissapear into nothingness, he would turn out to be a mirage or a fevered dream like those she had experienced ever since the day she had awoken in the pool of blood to discover her children had died and that Akaro blamed her for that. So she stood there, clinging onto her boy, hugging him to her, glad to be a mother once again. Finally she managed to find her voice, "Conri... Conri my boy, I have missed you so."[/html]

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