You don't need to hide, my friend.
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Many of his words were unfamiliar to her, but she didn’t let it show. She didn’t want to appear stupid or as if she hadn’t traveled about…The female had lived in the mountain and surrounding areas for almost all of her life since puppyhood. She’d left it once in the past to search for more of her family, and she’d been lucky enough to locate five or six members and bring them back with her. Her sister Selene had been among them, thought he female had passed away the year prior in a tunnel collapse. Selene’s daughter Demi had also disappeared more recently, along with Naniko’s brother Helios. She didn’t fault them for leaving, but hoped that they would return someday. The golden wolf Grace D’Angelo, the daughter of a distant cousin of hers, had stuck with the pack and was helping Naniko out quite a bit with things, something that she deeply appreciated.

She wondered if he had any family about, if that was the reason that he was going back to AniWaya. Perhaps he had a mate and pups there. Naniko nodded as he mentioned that she shouldn’t go too far away; she knew this. ”Yes sir She said wryly, stepping out into the surrounding woods to begin her search. She wasn’t afraid of leaving him with the meat, not concerned that he might leave with it. The Angela assumed the best out of most people unless proven otherwise; she tended to trust more than distrust. Once that bond was broken it was very difficult to earn it back with her.

It took her a bit to find wood that was suitable, but she managed to collect an entire armload of it. She didn’t realize how far she was from Frodo until she stood back up with her arms full of the material. A crackling sound behind her made her whirl to face that direction, and she let the wood fall to the ground at the sight of the beasts that stood there. Two bears, one much smaller than the other. A cub, perhaps? She wasn’t sure. The animals seemed to notice her at the same time as she was made aware of them, the larger of the two letting out a gruff growl. Naniko bent to pick up a few pieces of the wood, not wanting to completely give up what she had found, and then began to slowly back away.

Even though she was putting distance between them and trying to appear less of a threat, the beasts continued with their growls and grunts. She didn’t want to turn her back on them but desperately wanted to run away from them at the same time. She began to pad backward more quickly now, calling out. ”Frodo! Get the horse—We’ve got to go!” She didn’t know if the bears would go after their meat or if it would be of no interest to them. They followed her as she walked backward toward the camp, grumbling loudly and reaching out to try and swipe at her despite the distance. As they closed in on her she gave up her efforts to keep her front side to them, turning and running as quickly as she could back to camp. ”Bears! Follow me – they’re coming! We’ve got to get inside the caves. I have food there – if we leave this meat here it might distract them” It wasn’t far, less than a mile to her home.

Table by Jenny!

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