Take me Ouut tonight
OOC: Can I have the link to Lucifer's tattoo again please? XD

All he did was keep silent as his fathers words fell over him like waves from the ocean. He looked to the water, not his father as he spoke. Apparently he had asked to many questions, as Lucifer hadn't answered one of them, "Oh...wait. Same gender? So a guy could have sex with a guy?" Ash the words seemed to snap out of his mouth he took in the thought, and liked it. There was a world full of wolves that could all pleasure each other in different ways. His newly found hormones seemed to be kicking in, and it would take awhile for them to calm down.

His mind quickly wandered though form thoughts of different types of intercourse to what his father was wearing, "What are those things on your body?" He questioned. He asked it more as a need- to- know more then a want to know question. Even as the words came out his mind was already moving to the next thought. When would his brain stop wanting to know things? He took in the new information about Duece and Lucifer. So, he had a dead older brother Shadow and they had lost a litter. Lucifer had 'slept' around? this surprised the young male slightly but his expression didn't change from his thoughtful stance. Where had Duece been lately? He thought to himself. She seemed to have disappeared off the face of the pack lands. The past few nights she had missed their reading time. Shortly after his mother had taught him the letters and sounds of the alphabet she had been taking out human pup books for him to read and they were slowly working their way up. He had been left alone the past couple evenings.

"Lucifer,.." He had never called his dad by his first name since they first met, it just came out that way,"Where's Deuce? She's missed our reading sessions the past couple nights. She told me you didn't like reading and never cared to learn but, I figured it would be interesting to know how to read like mum and hunt like you. I'm really getting good, I can should out almost all words now after a few tries." His grin finally appeared as he spoke of reading to the Luperci. With this he continued to blabber on, "I want to be just like you and mum when I grow up. Make you proud ya know? I mean, I know I'm not reeaaallly your son but, I want to try my best to make it so that no one has to know that but you me, mum, and the original pack members. I like having you two teach me things and I look like you anyways. I enjoy hunting, and I love reading. I just....."

He paused to gather his thoughts and seemed to turn from a yipping pup to an adult speaking instantly, "I don't want to be your adoptive son to everyone. I want you to be proud to call me your son. I want to be able to hunt by your side and for you to be a proud father, not just because Dierdre left me with Duece leaving you responsible for me, but because you think of me as a wolf yourself and Mum could have had." Jazper tried his best to think while he spoke instead of just chattering away. He wanted Lucifer to understand. Being a shifter was what he wanted, was something he wanted to do to really become part of the pack, part of the family. One more question came to mind before he could finally keep his mouth closed in content, "Am I like you....?" Deep down he wished he could be a bit like his new dad, and like his mother. The were a lot like his blood parents, dad was strong, a leader, a hunter. While mom was a thinker and optimist.

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