i took a bullet and i looked inside
Mwaha. -Knows controlling dreams is possible because she does it all the time.- >>'

!@#$%"You can't change your dreams?" he murmured innocently, and mostly to himself. He offered a soft "hmn" sound and then shrugged. He had learned to control his dreams some time ago already--it started with learning how to tell if he was sleeping or not. From there, he'd slowly begun to bend them, to transform them. If he willed it, he could make something random appear. Also, he'd learned to overcome the "pull" he felt in dreams, so even if the dream willed him to go to the left, he could choose to go to the right instead. Unfortunately, he occasionally woke himself up practising these shenanigans. It was like a sudden jolt to his subconscious, especially if he tried to change something that was more than subtle. Still, coupled with the lucidity of his dreams, it was more or less free entertainment. It hadn't ever occurred to him that not everyone could do this, but he supposed it didn't matter. It wasn't much more than a personal parlour trick, and he couldn't even prove it if he had to. Then again, he could always tell himself it was because of his own heightened consciousness and self-awareness. Sure, that sounds good.

!@#$%Something about the topic was making her uncomfortable, for she then switched subjects. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed her fiddling with things--restless hands and feet normally signalled some amount of unrest. He had to admit he'd been hoping for more feedback than that, but there was no way he was about to pry into the emotions of a stranger. She'd brought it up, and she could take it away. He only was persistent and stubborn when he was trying to glean information from somebody, and this didn't count. As for her question, he again found himself wondering You aren't? Instead, he simply offered a neutral nod of his head, then elaborated: "By understanding things we learn to control them. You can't understand something if you don't take the time to think about it." And Anselm always wished to be in control of himself and the situations he was in.

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