once blind, eyes wide open
It had been a while since she had visited the Court, and while today she was here on goodwill of sorts she still could remember how she had spent one of her first moon quarters as a scout fixing the skulls at their borders that rumor had it, a creature from the Court itself had helped to destroy. She would be good, she would be gracious..but she would also remind the Court that respect in turn was expected. They had never shown such disrespect to the pack's lands, and while she was here with good will and offerings she would remind as well that it was a thin line between war and peace if they continued to let their members play jester across the lands.

The large mustang that she rode brought her near the lands after their prolonged expedition to the tribe. She scanned the length of sandy beaches claimed by the pack as she let the horse plot along. She grew closer to their borders, the scent of the pack stronger now as she wondered if one of the leaders would come forth this time, or if she would meet one of their pack. Once a sibling had belonged to the pack, but that was long ago and she and their king had run off on some grand adventure, abandoning their little nation to the wilds. It had lived on without it's king, but she wondered if it was the same as it use to be.

Oversized feline ears perked up as Sup-Sup crawled off her lap and sat straddled on the stallion's neck. She was certain the horse only put up with the feline because she did, but she didn't ask. As long as he let the tom live she was fine with their silent arrangement. She had grown rather fond of the cat, even if she wouldn't admit it herself. The small woman smiled at the cat as she ran a finger down its spine. She tilted her head back and gave a rather high pitched call, all coyote, all her. She leaned back on the horse's back and waited, knowing sooner or later someone would appear bringing word of the pack to exchange for greeting.

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