home for the holidays.
but our hearts will need us to be steady and strong

so we can stand and face the fire

burning higher and higher

Word Count → 258

Okay, so in hindsight the rope had been a pretty bad idea too—but Wayne’s mind was not working properly right now, and erasing the distance between them was his only thought right now, regardless of what happened. He was only thankful that Duke hadn’t struck him; the stallion was as protective of the girl as the man was, if less stupid about things like this. If only Wayne had the horse’s wisdom right now—but he was too busy releasing the rope after what was likely a painful jerk, swearing again under his breath and dropping everything to rush toward her.

“Dixie.” Wayne tried to keep his breathing and voice under control once he reached her. He dropped painfully to his knees then worked quickly to free her body from the lasso, running his fingers over her skin to make sure that it hadn’t caused any actual damage. Her thick fur protected her, though, and soon the searching hands began to stroke her hair and back comfortingly, though his fingers trembled.

“Dixie, look at me,” he murmured, and he crouched closer to her level, reaching out to touch her face gently. “I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot. I’m not mad at you, honey, I could never be mad at you. I was just worried to death when I woke up and you weren’t there…” He winced as he realized bringing up this point again wouldn’t help, so he focused on running his hand gently through her pale hair and hoping she’d meet his gaze. “I’m sorry.”

Wayne McCoy

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