How Do You Pick Up The Threads Of An Old Life?

Helotes can initiate the actual attack I guess, since Ves and Frodo succeeded in getting the other all riled up and she's running at him. xD

Vesper watched the young man through warily narrowed blue eyes. Something about this encounter set her on edge as well—perhaps because his antsy behavior was becoming contagious. Her compact muscles remained taut; her good ear swiveled toward him as the mangled one rested tight against her slender skull. This situation was tense enough already with a potential trespasser so close, but her lack of answers seemed to work the stranger up even more. Her brow furrowed with irritation, unable to understand what he was doing.

And then his hand shot out; she snarled and sidestepped, whirling to snap her jaws close to his wrist. It was a warning more than anything, but hopefully its intended message would get across: for him to leave her the hell alone. Touching her would be followed by grabbing and injuring her, and she hated luperci hands anywhere near her body. Luperci clawed, grabbed, pulled, twisted—had he a knife, she might have already lost it.

His sudden anxiety and the sound of hooves falling on the ground sent another bolt of instinctual energy through the she-yote, who looked feral as she stepped back with bristling fur. Horses—Helotes—both scents had bad connotations, and the man’s last outburst even as he stepped away caused her to snarl.

“There’s no Makesthai here,” Vesper snapped, advancing toward him with lips wrinkled back and fur fluffed up. “Take what you want from that, fool wolf. Either he left or he’s dead.” To get this point across, she charged toward him—one that she intended to end just before she reached him, but hopefully it would encourage him to leave Inferni territory and take his search elsewhere.

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