This was a bad idea
Erzulie spoke to him correcting her name for him and he cringed appologetically. It wasn't an easy name for him for some reason and he felt bad he kept getting the name wrong. It wasn't his fault Bangle bullied Skye into naming her that, or them both thinking it was a great name... it was after all a rather nice name, if he could get it right.

"Sorry, Erzulie, I guess it just doesn't want to stick in my head much I suppose."

His attention turned to Hotaru as she spoke about a house, and he smiled nodding. He knew much about the houses around Thornbury. They were sturdy ones that lasted through the winter storm the year before and he made sure they would stay sturdy for years to come, though it had taken him a long time to do, and he still wasn't done with every house, he had help here and there from others though. Erzulie spoke first talking about houses that were creepy with power. He chuckled a little and shook his head to the girl.

"She might need a house that's a little more practical, where she won't hit her head on entering. Something open but not too open, there's a few houses around here that are like that. Most have furnishings already if you want we can look at one or two..."

He trailed off, he was a little embarrassed that he again forgot her blindness, so how she could look at a house was beyond him, though if she did want to check out a house and see which she would like, he would gladly help.

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