Flotsam in the surf
OOC: No table for I am at work and it's easier this way. Wink Lovely post hon!! And I know in Norse mythology that Hati and Skoll, the moon and sun chasers, are both male (I think?) but the mythology as it's been passed down through the Stormbringer line has twisted things just a little bit. XDDD

It had been another night of wandering. The call of the moon always pulled Kol out of her slumber, which was never heavy or deep to begin with. She'd curled up in her new little den in the cemetery on Dahlia lands around midday, the heat having sucked most of the energy from her. It was one of the curses of her beautiful black pelt, but Kol didn't mind all that much. She dearly loved the night, and having a good excuse to spend much of the day sleeping meant she had more energy and free time for the darkness of night. This night had found the young girl exploring the eastern shoreline, reveling in the taste of salt on the cool night air and the feel of soft sand beneath her toes. Before coming to Souls, Kol had never seen the ocean, and these lands fascinated her and stirred a love affair with the sea in the heart of the ebony Stormbringer. The sight of Hati the Packmother, her family's name for the moon goddess, reflecting gloriously in the deep dark ocean waves never failed to instill a feeling of awe in the yearling.

Now, however, the moon had long since set on the other side of the lands, and the eastern horizon was just beginning to brighten with the rising of the Packfather. The songbirds had awakened a short time ago, forming a choir to sing their praise to the sun, and the only sound other than that was the gentle breathing of the waves upon the shore. Kol was working her way north up the sands, her wounded left shoulder facing west, and she smiled softly at the pleasantry of the simple morning, her shoulder giving her no pain for the time being. As far as her injury, there were good days and bad, and the past two days had both been good. The four gashes had started to finally heal nicely, Kol having fought off the bought of infection that had tried to assault her a week or so before. They were still scabbed over, and flared up with fire every once in awhile, but for the most part they were doing rather well. Kol could only hope they continued to heal quickly, as she loathed the handicap the wounds gave her. They made her shoulder and all of her left leg stiff at times as the muscle healed, and though the pain never crippled her, it would definitely sour her mood and slow her down when it decided to set itself afire.

Grumbling a bit, the girl turned her thoughts from her wounds and the stupid, idiotic creature that had felt the need to put them there. The morning was far too nice to entertain unpleasant ponderings. She hummed quietly to herself as she loped along gracefully, her body finally filling out into the growth spurt she'd hit months before. Her paws no longer looked too big for her, and the rest of her body had lengthened out and grown to match her slender legs. She seemed a mirror image to the shadow that trotted along the ground beside her, except for the small, triangular patch of greywhite fur that graced her chest. Finally growing comfortable in her own skin, and now firmly belonging to a pack, Kol was under the pleasant impression that things couldn't be going any better.

It was near the end of that thought that the Dahlia female finally noticed something in her path. A large, golden form had made itself comfortable on the shore, carrying what seemed to be something of human origin on its back. Tilting her head in curiousity, the ebony girl made her way to the stranger, stopping far enough away as to grace him with an air of polite courtesy, a friendly smile playing on her lips. "Good morning, sir. I see I'm not the only one who enjoys watching the sun rise above the ocean." She could ask about the objects later. It was rude to simply run up to someone and start questioning them, and the Stormbringer girl was hardly without manners.

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