I feed the mouth that bites me-
OOC: WOOT! *clings*

It had occured to a certain black shewolf this morning, as she had uncurled herself from a surprisingly uninterrupted night of sleep, that in all of her explorations in the territories surrounding her new home, she had failed to extend her knowledge of the leftover towns that shared only half of their lands with Dahlia. Wondering how in the world she could have missed it before, the Stormbringer girl had pulled herself out of her den in the predawn hours, taking care to stick to her morning routine of washing her wounded shoulder before setting her small paws in a southwestern direction.

Most of the morning was spent amongst the run down buildings of Wolfville, and Kol made a mental note to return to one particular shop in a few days' time. It was littered with trinkets and shiny jewelry, and there was one piece in particular that had caught her violet eye. It was a silver earring, with a dreamcatcher one it, a small piece of turquoise caught in the "net" portion. From the center of the net came a small silver chain, extending up to a cuff with a strange, stylized bird image carved into it. Never having an eye for all that glitters as her sisters did, Kol was nonetheless drawn to this particular earring, and she spent a considerable amount of time finding a good hiding place for it. She herself didn't know how to pierce an ear, but there was no doubt in her mind that someone in the lands did, and that she'd have no trouble finding out who.

Feeling a bit proud of her find, the young girl had then set out to explore the cemetery. There was something about these manmade burial sites that actually made the Stormbringer feel calm and peaceful, a sharp contrast to most of her siblings' inherent anxiety around them. As a pup, the one that was near her family's pack provided a perfect place to find solitude from those annoying littermates of hers, and she found herself curled up in some run down tomb fairly often.

This cemetery, however, appeared to be anything but calm.

As the black shewolf came closer to the brush-covered area, a series of squeaks and rodent-like screams filled her ears, very nearly drawing her into a headache. Blinking in slight surprise, Kol made her way to the source of the screams, only to find a wolf carrying around a, well a, a something around by the scruff of its neck as though it were a puppy. The thing looked like an odd cross between a rabbit and a squirrel, with perhaps a little bit of fieldmouse thrown in for good measure. The girl had never seen anything like it, and she raised a brow, violet eyes widening a bit in curiousity. "What on earth is that?" Apparently, the girl's firm grip on manners had gone a bit slack.

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