I feed the mouth that bites me-
OOC: XD Shoooooort.

Kol blinked a bit as the grey girl spoke, her soft voice a bit timid to the black female's ears. Realizing she had probably scared the poor thing out of her wits, the Stormbringer offered a polite and apologetic smile. "I'm uh, I'm sorry for scaring you. I've just never seen an animal like that before. A chin-, chinchillla, you said?" She stepped a bit closer to the rodent as it huddled behind the other female's front leg, her ebony nose twitching as she tried to get its scent, her lips curling back in a delighted smile. "He's adorable!" Her violet eyes twinkled as she made the comment, tail wagging softly.

Kol's smile faded as the stranger spoke again, one brow quirked in confusion. "One of 'them?' Who's 'them?'" The Dahlia girl wasn't sure if she should be offended or not by the accusation, though the stranger's tone at the mention of the mysterious "them" had certainly been unpleasant. "The name's Kol, Kol Stormbringer, from Dahlia de Mai. It's a pleasure to meet you, and your unusual friend." Her friendly smile returned, though she was wary of the other girl for the moment, still unsure how to take her comment.

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