I feed the mouth that bites me-


Intoxicated and momentarily fearless, Pickles mirrored the Stormbringer femme's every movement with great fascination. As she got closer, he too, moved forward until he was mere inches from touching her. The little creature simply stood there for a few seconds, beady eyes fixated upon those striking violet peepers. How embarrassing. As if he wasn't acting strange enough, a series of squeaky "Hicks!" suddenly left his little mouth, causing him to tip over and stop moving. The pseudo-mother could see his little chest rising up and down in a rhythmic manner, letting her know he was merely passed out.

Alexey's attention narrowed back to the stranger, making no effort to hide her astonishment. Aside from Adelaida, the lady standing in front of her was officially the first wolf to find Pickles adorable. "Yes... chinchilla." The tawny femme was about to apologize for her companion's behavior, but the Dahlia wolfess' inquiry came before she could say anything else. An exasperated sigh left her maw as she proceeded to explain."Them. Shape shifters." A few weeks earlier, she probably would've called them demons, monsters, or something similar to that. But now, ever since her encounter with Daesavio, she refrained from referring to luperci as such things. The Dahlia filix had been nothing but nice, perhaps this female was too.

The two-year-old returned her interlocutor's politeness, and introduced both herself and the chinchilla. "Alexey Koios. And that's Pickles." She nodded toward the rabbit-sized rodent before glancing back at the younger female. "Pleasure is mine."

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