Two Birds
((you looked lonely. Lol))

He was walking the borders restlessly, as was his wont since that day. He and Sky had lost two children that day. Tameri who was ruthlessly murdered, and Liam who may as well have been dead. That was what he had told Liam as he marched the listless boy to the border. "from this moment on you are as dead to me as the innocent life you stole." He didn't know how he'd ever forgive the mud hued boy who had been his son. He didn't want to. Sky had wanted to leave, but the couple had been dissuaded from that idea.

So here Tal was, walking the border. He had sworn if the murderer was to show his face here, he would be the one to end his life. He meant it. If it came to it, Tal would indeed destroy the monster who inhabited Liam's body. A sound got his attention, and his heart leapt into his throat. Had Liam returned? The male's hackles raised and he moved swiftly to the sound. When he came to the source of the sound, he found the capitana rather than the murderer. A sense of relief filled him.

He bowed to the leader, who was in her secui form. He didn't know if she'd noticed him or not, but it didn't hurt to be polite. In fact, that was more and more how he was becoming since That Day. He was growing more distant, less open. Something in him had died as he'd seen both Tameri murdered and Liam exiled. He spoke softly, his voice formally distant. "Capitana."

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