I feed the mouth that bites me-
OOC: I love Alexey. ^^ And it's strange for me to play Kol in a semi-girly moment, with the whole cuteness factor with Pickles. She very rarely shows that part of her, but hey, she's still a GIRL after all! And you've made my work day go so much faster!

Ooooooh great, now what to do? Kol was warming to the unknown female, now known as Alexey, and her little companion. But the fact that she did indeed belong to the catagory of "them" that the girl so obviously disliked made her unsure of what to do. She wasn't necessarily offended by the new knowledge, but at the same time, she didn't want to put off the girl by telling her she was, in fact, one of "them." Perhaps it would be better to test the waters, per se, before admitting her "shifty" nature.

"Oh. Well, what's wrong with being a Luperci? The way I see it, it's just the same as being a different color, or a different culture, or size, right? I mean, just because you're a different color than I am, that doesn't make you bad." She hoped that her logic sounded as convincing as she wanted it to be. Kol wasn't one to hide the truth behind anything, and she didn't want to mislead her new friend into a false sense of security, only to have her find out the truth somewhere down the road and cry betrayal. The filix was perfectly content to be despised for being what she couldn't help being, but she would never allow herself to be liked for pretending to be what she was not. In her mind, being hated was better than being a traitor, a label the yearling strove never to wear.

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