Leave out all the Rest

OOC Heehee okay okay! Ooh and very pretty table and avvie xD -- Word Count → 501

He led himself deeper into the cabin, careful not to disturb it too much in case it was inhabited. He’d rather not be chewed out for trespassing, although the scents were faint. He was surprised that it had been so long, but still remained in tact. The walls were showing some sign of decay and the floors were soiled with dust and dirt, but otherwise it held against the wind. If you listened close enough it almost sounded like a howl. Augustus couldn’t help himself and joined his voice to the winds. He called shortly letting his voice fade as they had. He smiled faintly and swished his tail. His voice bounced back to him from the walls and he was startled by its volume. His ears flattened briefly. Well, he wouldn’t be doing that again. He dismissed it and slowly continued his journey through its expanse. He came to pause at a room in the back of the hut. It was hidden behind a door held slightly ajar. He pushed his muzzle in the gap and nudged it open slowly. It creaked on its hinges, a long mournful sound that made his ears twitch. Within was a bed and some other furnishings, shrouded in dust and other filth. He sniffed cautiously and then sneezed, dust particles flying and playing in the light of a broken window. He growled in the slightest and lashed his bushy tail once, continuing towards the bed. His head cocked slightly to the side.

It was a strange structure, four-legged with a wire frame and a strange square shape on top. When he reared up and placed his paws on it, it gave slightly. It was soft and cushioned. He bore his weight upon it and shook it. It stirred, but did not give wholly. He furrowed his brows a bit, was this where they slept? He leapt down off it and scooted backwards, then dug his front feet in and launched himself on top of it. It bounced a bit but held. He circled thrice then lay upon it. It was not at all unpleasant. He gave a contented sigh, perhaps the humans were right about some things. This sure beat sleeping on the ground any day. Still, he was not yet tired and had the day ahead of him, and soon had the floor beneath his paws again. He ducked his head beneath the bed, searching for any other remnants of the humans leavings, it was empty and as he begun to retreat a voice made him jump.

His head slammed against the wooden frame, he gave a yelp of pain, "Ow!" With a small whine he retreated and rubbed his head with a paw as pain pulsed through his skull. "Caspa?" He gasped and trotted out the open doorway. His eyes were scrunched up, and he had to squint at them. The two white figures danced before him a moment before becoming one. "I wasn’t hiding." He said once the world stopped spinning.

Take the light and darken everything around me. Call the clouds, and listen closely I'm lost without you...

template by revo. <3


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