say your prayers and comb your hair


Word Count → 411

He had mastered the subtle art of dealing with people. Lilin thought she'd seen a smile through the fiery brume of particles separating the two wolves but that could not be confirmed until he made his way to the entrance, appearing in the doorway. The remnants of a good-natured smile were indeed detectable, adding to his poise and smooth behavior. Although the Soulstorm juvenile did not quite mirror the hushed greeting, the slight upward curling of her lips did show willingness. Smiles didn't come easy back home, where she'd had little to no relationship with the pack males. This kind of encounter was new and quite refreshing. Lilin did not budge as the stranger neared her exact location, instincts triumphing over intellect. Whilst he avoided direct eye contact at first, preferring to examine their subject a little more closely, the Azathoth descendant did the exact opposite.

Orbs of Caribbean blue went directly to the copper key adorning his neck chain, travelling upward to examine the anatomy of his face. A multitude of blackened hues ranging anywhere from light to dark contributed to his uniqueness. She immediately appreciated that, somewhat relating to his uncommon appearance. Then he finally turned in her direction, long enough for her to study the contrast between his darkened fur and cream-colored eyes. To the general population, staring down a stranger might've been considered rude or defiant. But for someone like Haku's daughter who hadn't been taught the first thing about social etiquette, there was nothing wrong with it. “You're probably right,” she admitted softly, clearly in acquiescence with his assumptions.

Her attention once more turned to the sick dog, analyzing it with the same intent she had devoted to her fellow investigator a few seconds prior. Another statement reached her receivers, followed by the melodic sound of something she hadn't heard in forever. This time, a genuine smile found its way to her maw. The only contagious thing around was his laughter. It broke the ice. Tensions eased significantly and Lilin found herself making way for an age-appropriate attitude.“Oh, he's beyond salvation but there might still be hope for you. Maybe we should floof you up!” she chimed in, allowing her tail wags to pick up the tempo. Scanning the vicinity for more tips and information- books in particular- the bi-colored girl made her way around the reception desk to rummage through its contents. “You just wait. I'm pretty sure I'll find something explaining how to.”

table by the Mentors!

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