Much To Say

The ivory female nodded when Mido told her that he would be right back with some rope. It didn't take too long for Mido to come back with a good coil of rope. She grabbed one end and helped pull it up and when the deer was suspended limply from the branch of the tree, Sam smiled with satisfaction. "Well, Mido we make a good hunting team." It confused the female when he laughed when he said that if he did indeed get killed from her arrow that no one would care. She patted his back in a friendly manner and her tone was serious. "I'm sure lots of people would miss you here...I would be sad that it was my arrow. And that I killed someone so useful and not to mention a truly friendly person. It was true, Mido was great company. He seemed to lighten up when he held out the knife, saying words from what seemed like a medical context. It was true though, she was a healer. She didn't know anything else to say, but gratefully took the knife in hand and made a clean long slice down its belly, and two others down the sides of its flanks, with a few other cuts Sam was able to pull away the thick winter hide from the large creature. "Hmm...We could use this, I am not too good with curing hides. If you know how I could help. Or I could take it to Rain." Rain knew how to cure pelts, and they always came out soft and nice when he was done. But alas her mate was always busy and had to do other things. Samantha turned back to her new friend, and passed the knife. "Want a couple of turns cutting off meat? I could run back to my den and get an extra knife for me."

OOC: Sorry for the crap post...My muse is on strike!


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