echoes off of dusty walls.
Her wounds from the encounter with Gabriel were well enough healed but when the voice spoke up she snarled softly to herself as she watched the Inferni clan member approaching as he came to ask a question. The flare of anger in her eyes didn't disappear though his words were polite enough. She laughed softly at his stupid question as she spat an answer at the creature before her. "Why would you care, that pack was one of the few at peace with your damnable clan.." The threat in her voice was more than detectable as she watched him with fire blazing in her eyes.

She watched him with suspicion as he sat there trying to hold an idle conversation with her, when she knew by now there was nothing idle about the clan on the edge of the wastelands. She snorted at the thought of them being anything near innocent, they even tried to taint their youth into thinking the whole world was out to get them. She laughed softly as she shook her head, "Tell your leader I'm still alive and kicking, he hasn't killed me yet.." She knew she was taking a dare in taunting Gabriel but she really didn't care anymore, there was nothing keeping the two from eachother's throats anymore, not with Faolin gone.

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