kanashiku nai desu ka?
She sighed and stretched out her legs as he seemed to chide her on her choice of questions, she finally just rolled her eyes and sighed, snipping a small reply back to him. "Of course, you choose to forget the past, not even assuming that there can be a moment of happiness once something brings the world down to crash and burn at your paws." she turned her eyes back to the male and shook her head. "There were better times, there were happy moments.. they may have been far and few between at times.. but they did exist, even if they did crash and burn in the end with everything else.." She knew there was no point in arguing her point anymore, they always just seemed to get to this point where She believed one thing and he believed another, she cared, he didn't.. it had been this way forever and she shouldn't expect it to change suddenly. She should just quit trying some small little voice told her.

She turned her gaze away from the distant relative as she watched the rain once more the thunder and lighning flashing and rolling in the air outside their dry little world in the small cramped cage. She sighed softly and nipped at a tangle in her fur just passing time before she turned back to gaze at him with a tiny bit of curiousity as to what he had spent his time doing while she'd been off in Storm and way across the lands. She knew she probably wouldn't get much of answer, atleast she figured she wouldn't but until the storm let up she'd be stuck here a bit longer unless she just gave up and ventured back into the storm on hand. Finally she gave up on wanting answers and just left it be for the moment.

She laid her head on her paws and sat there watching him as he tried to ignore the world around him. She flicked her ears back, feeling the scar tissue on the ear he'd shredded pulling as she sat there quietly before asking. "Where are you going from here?" She wondered herself where her world was going from here but she didn't really care, she was fine no matter what happened in her life. She'd lived a full and happy live for the most part, there had been ups and downs in her world but all in all she could die tomorrow and have had a life worth living. She lay there with her eyes half closed watching the hybrid who was in some odd way related to her, though he would never really care to keep close contact if he could. She smiled slightly at the thought, remembering another from their family who was so much like Laruku yet so not. She shook her head softly at the memory and watched him with warm eyes, wondering if he even cared enough to look to the future anymore.

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