I've been down this road and back again...
Conri had wracked his brain a million times over trying to understand why Naniko had done what she had. He could only remember snippets of their conversation from that night, he wasn't even sure if she had explained why. Not sure if it had happened before or after the loss of the pups. Conri had been so afraid of losing her after their first fight. So afraid that she had grown tired of him in some way or another, and now he was almost sure that it was the case. She had to go and seek love from someone else, whether it was physical or emotional, because she felt that Conri could no longer provide her with what she needed. At least, that was how it was in his head.

"I..I don't know.." He answered her as she moved, dead gaze following her motions as she seated herself. Her hands motioned for him to join her but, instead of moving to where she had motioned to, Conri walked until the point that he was right in front of her, lowering himself so that he was practically in her lap. Being there wouldn't take away the pain that had already stricken him but, somehow, he knew that while in her arms she would do everything possible to protect him from more pain. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked suddenly, head lowered and tipped to the side, staring off at the ground. He couldn't even answer that question, he didn't expect her to be able to.

Just as quickly as he asked, though, more words were pouring from his mouth. "Please don't go momma." Because he needed her right now. He needed her more than anything else in the world.


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