easy pickings
OOC comments here.

'Siv...' she echoed softly. It was as foreign as her name, but she couldn't place it. Siv had left out her surname, but Odessa didn't mind. Most likely here, in Salsola, even in Nova Scotia, it was insignificant. Odessa never failed to mention her name. It gave her her ties to Larkspur and from there, Eris. it was a badge of honour for the girl and she saw no point in hiding her ties. As shy and gentle as she seemed, she was no less cunning and sly.

Odessa stared out towards the bay, spotting the seals, the calves in particular. It didn't upset her much, as she near adulthood she had learnt nature was harsh, but everything happened for a purpose and she was helpless to prevent it. She'd long been apathetic to the suffering that nature dealt out. She turned back to Siv with a brief smile, 'I don't know how much help I will be' she paused for a moment, glancing back to the calves. 'What do you want me to do?' She didn't suppose that the calves would put up much of a fight, it was really only the adults she had to fear,

Word Count: 000
table by raze, template by revo. <3
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