when you turn around, there's sunshine

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173 ... header.jpg); background-attach:top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:#162022;">

sharksJudgment came quickly enough: a sarcastic sort of fellow, confident in himself, maybe with a bit of a superiority complex. It was a little disappointing, really; he always looked forward to having someone to talk to and had been lucky enough to have met mostly good-natured people in his few months of wandering, but naturally, the occasional bad egg was unavoidable in the end. Arkham shrugged, plainly ignoring the other's tone. Maybe, he echoed again, Or maybe we'd been too busy dancing to care about remembering names and faces. The grey coyote continued down the grassy slope, stopping on even ground several feet from the stranger. And what of yourself? he inquired, peering quietly through the opening in his cloth mask.


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