dream hunters
OOC / +300

His reaction was not what Helotes had expected, with the bristled fur and tense silence. Then when he spoke, Helotes ears drooped; he hadn’t meant any disrespect, it was just a simple question. But then Enkiel turned and said that his insult, as unintended as it had been, was like someone calling Helotes a wolf. He tried hard to keep from snorting out in laughter, but managed to keep a straight face, he could understand the strength that bad blood between nations could hold, I meant no disrespect, I just recognized the script as middle-eastern, and that is all. He kept silent on his opinion about wolves and how much being called one would be a non-insult to him.

Shifting to the less dangerous portion of the conversation, Helotes continued, So you’re from Egypt then? It amazes me how many of the canines around here come other lands. Just several weeks ago I met and Oriental trader near Salsola. It seems as if Nova Scotia is a hotspot, "for misfits and immigrants" he thought to himself.

Helotes reached down an managed to scratch the little cat on the head with his large claw and the animal cooed. He could see why this man seemed to have no friends, he was very stoic and easily insulted; that made relationships difficult. No doubt he probably missed his homeland and the customs there, Helotes could sympathize. Though he had never been to Mexico, his mother’s birthplace, somehow he felt that he would fit in nicely there.

Helotes sighed and leaned back against the wooden wall of the house, peering at Enkiel’s hands as he worked with half lidded eyes, Do you miss it terribly? He asked quietly, with as non-threatening a tone as possible; he did not want to insult the man further.

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