Leave out all the Rest

OOC Haha, he's so simple sometimes -- Word Count → 296

Seeing her expression his brows furrowed. He felt her snout jab his own muzzle and his face grew heated. His eyes shifted almost immediately to the ground. He cleared his throat to regain his composure and returned his gaze. “That’s not true…” He objected with a grumble. He completely ignored the humor she’d intended by her statement. Having her think him so incapable hurt his pride, and he objected whole-heartedly. On another note he was relieved to see that she did not try to question his indecision, and was quite contented to let the subject fade away.

His eyes he fixed on the knife, then back to her as she explained. He had seen one before, only one. It sent a chill down his spine, and he did not speak for several moments, gazing at the cruel steel almost mournfully. His ears twitched to her words. How casually she spoke of it, you would not believe the thing could have been capable of taking a life, but Augustus was not fooled, he knew all too well. A knife had been found next to his brothers corpse stained with his blood. It was different than this one, far more crude, but there was no denying. He ceased to look at it as he felt the sting of loss again. His eyes on the ground he gave reply. “I have…" He started. The white male’s eyes darted back to it briefly. “Some toy.” The words were bitter.

He swallowed his pain and revealed his yellow and green orbs. “Why do you need it?” An honest question on his part. What reason could a canine possibly have that would call for such a thing. Fang and claw had served him well all his life, he simply could not comprehend.

Take the light and darken everything around me. Call the clouds, and listen closely I'm lost without you...

template by revo. <3


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