Teardrops and Trainwrecks

Oh, why'd you have to be so cute?

Naniko really enjoyed meeting and greeting others from all places and backgrounds. Each one had a different past, a different part of the story to tell. Life was difficult for almost all of them...that was why they formed packs. To make things easier, to support each other. "Ah, I see. He's a good wolf." She did know that both he and Deuce had cheated on each other...but what could she say? She'd cheated on Conri, though she hadn't really remembered what had gone on at the time. It hadn't helped that the wolves she'd had sex with had been Lucifer, her best friend, and Kansas, her adopted brother.

"Well...any time you feel like sticking around for a bit longer, making it a more permanent thing...just give me a howl. I'd be glad to accept someone like you. You're quite honest." She grinned. "Honesty is hard to come by."


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