heavens made with black fire
OOC: Really really sorry about the wait with this.

Pain blossomed in a thin line over Hermann's head as a second knife skimmed over his skull, scoring a thin line in the flash of his head before is split his right ear open. While Hermann wasn't stupid enough to turn around the pain did cause him to whimper and stumble momentarily, the feeling of pain still unfamiliar to the sheltered wolf.

It was only a short lapse in his movement but that was all that was needed. Just as Hermann was starting to build back up to his full running speed the jaw of one of his pursuers clamped around his hind leg, causing Hermann to yelp as the sharp teeth dug into his existing wounds. Hermann thrashed his hind legs in attempt to shake his captor off but this only made things worse and as he fell he landed oddly on his caught leg, a sickening snap audible to his ears as the bone broke.

Hermann screamed as his captor started to drag him backwards by the broken leg but could do little more; the sheer pain combined with his lack of experience preventing him from doing anything to resist. Instead the wolf just lay limp on the ground, whimpering as he was dragged backwards towards the waiting jaws of the pack.

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